Tuesday 24 February 2015

LUSH Mask of Magnaminty Cleanser

For my first review I thought it was only right to go for one of my favourite products from LUSH cosmetics. As an Ezcema sufferer, I have to be really careful what products I can use on my skin. I have found that LUSH have some really good products for Ezcema sufferers. Of course, everyone's skin is different and what works for me may not work for others. It's just a case of trial and error to see what suits you. The staff are always helpful and can advise their more gentle products, don't be afraid to ask.

Mask of Magnaminty Cleanser

As the name suggests, this is a minty, cooling deep face and body cleanser/mask. It contains peppermint oil to give you that minty effect, honey for moisturising and acts as an antiseptic on the skin, aduki beans (the first time I've heard of this!) for exfoliation and various other oils. 

I first picked up this product when I was living in Tokyo. I was so happy to find LUSH stores in Japan and even happier that because of the weak Yen, actually cheaper than the UK. The only downside was the customer support, not many Assistants spoke English so I had to do my own research before buying. 

So let's get down to the review.....

This stuff is so green, I love the colour. As soon as you take off the lid you can smell that peppermint oil. It smells good enough to eat for sure. I wouldn't advise it though!

This stuff is so easy to apply, just slap it on. I tend to put on face masks pretty thick making sure I get an even application. Be careful when applying close to the hairline, especially if you're not planning on washing your hair that day! I've gotten this stuff in my hair and it just feels icky and greasy. 

Lush advises to leave the mask on for up to 15 minutes and wash off with warm water and massage as you go. You can apply this bad boy to your neck and back. 

I actually find this stuff really hard to wash off, it's so messy but hey I don't care because this mask is amazing. I wear full coverage foundation so I tend to get a build up and blocked pores around my nose and cheeks. I use this a couple of times a week (This isn't a daily mask!) and it really helps in clearing out my pores. They are significantly reduced when I use this on a regular basis.

This product should be used within 4 months, but of course make sure you check the expiry date. It lasts a long time if you're only using it a couple of times a week.

I really recommend this product to anyone who has troubles with make up build up, black heads or blocked pores. Unfortunately this isn't suitable for Vegans due to honey but do not fear, there are other great face masks available in the LUSH stores. 

I'm so happy I found a face mask suitable for my really sensitive skin. It might just be the best face mask ever!